Dark Angels green armor

Dark Angels green armor

Colors, paints

Abteilung 502Acrylic
Pure Black
Winsor & NewtonWinton Oil
Ivory Black
VallejoGame Color
Dark Green
VallejoModel Color
Light Green
VallejoGame Color
Scorpy Green
VallejoModel Color
German Yellow
VallejoModel Color

  • Matte varnish (I love Vallejo super matte)



  • Nice acrylic black coat
  • Zenithal highlights with Vallejo Dark Green
  • Smaller areas of Vallejo Light Green
  • Even smaller areas of Vallejo Scorpy Green

At this point the model is super bright, way too bright

  • Coat of gloss varnish to protect the mini before the oil (matte will retain more stains, gloss will be cleaner)
  • Solid coat of black oil


  • Use qtips and mineral spirit to remove most of the black oil, we really only want it in recesses


  • A coat of matte varnish

Paint brush

  • Edge highlights with Scorpy Green
  • Sharper edges and/or smaller sections with Vallejo German Yellow
  • Sharper edges and/or smaller sections with pure white

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