Here is my recipe for the bone white armor of the Deathwing. It uses a lot of airbrush steps, so it is not suitable for a beginner. The deathwing terminators are often depicted in various shades of bone, more saturated when painted by the ‘eavy metal team and less saturated, more white in the artworks. This is my take on a light bone version of the deathwing armor inspired by the artworks.

Abteilung 502Acrylic
Pure Black
VallejoGame Color
Leather Brown
VallejoModel Color
Tan Earth
Army PainterWarpaints
Banshee Brown
Winsor & NewtonWinton Oil
Ivory Black
VallejoModel Color
- AK Interactive Dark Mud because this is all I had at the moment, a good dark brown oil should be better and cleaner.
- Liquitex White Ink
- Vallejo Ultramatte Varnish
- Mineral Spirit
- Uniform black coat
- Cover almost everything with Lether Brown (I think skipping this step has very low impact on the final model)
- Zealous zenithal highlight with Tan Earth
- Zenithal highlight with Banshee Brown
- More precise highlight with White Ink
- Coat of Ardcoat (any gloss varnish will do)
Paint Brush
- Panel lining with a mix of about 1:5 black oil paint/AK Interactive Dark Mud (or just dark brown oil) thinned down to wash consistency
- Removal of errors from the last step with a clean brush with mineral spirit
- Coat of Ultramatte Varnish
Paint Brush
- Edge highlights with Vallejo Pure White